Revival of Religious Thought, Demands of Muslim women and the Rise of the two Ideas of "Islamic Feminism" and "Fundamentalist Jtihad"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Member Department of Women Studies of Trbeiat Modarres Universiti


For more than a century, Islamic thinkers have been continually struggling to provide a foothold in the recognition of a rational human thought derived from an independent Islamic identity. And turn the passivity of the Enlightenment into an active and influential position. This move was instrumental in revising the demands and demands of the Muslim women's rights and the well-meaning response. Causing various upsurge within religious communities, But the passive approach and the lack of a fan rationalized their logical and logical arguments with challenges that required critique and analysis, and rational thinking. The intellectual flow of "Islamic feminism" was an action in line with the above necessity for solving the problems of the Muslim woman. Some women thinkers in Islamic societies called this trend a rising that, with a different reading, redefined the issues of women, and their discursive literature was gender-based and antithetical with patriarchal thoughts in the field of history, commentary, hadith, and jurisprudence. On the other hand, the principled ijtihad approach, with a glance from gender, to serious reflections on identity and in a theological and jurisprudential approach to rethinking the specific facts and techniques of specific reasoning and revival of women's issues. This paper presents two different orientations in the discussion of religious revival by the thinkers of Islamic feminism and Islamic fundamentalists. After criticizing the passive attitude of Islamic feminism and the disadvantage of its pioneering reasoning based on the evolutionary process of the Islamic world, the methodology of ijtihadogarist fundamentalists in solving the problems of women has been explained. It also focuses on the strategy of Imam Khomeini and our bright leader on establishing an association independent of affiliation and emphasizes the need for serious and massive measures in the formation of the "Exalted Assembly of Women's Elites" Finally, the importance of the involvement of thoughtful women based on the principle of sound reasoning and the logic of the principles and jurisprudential jurisprudence has been discussed in order to provide a workable and modern way of solving the basic problems of women.


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