Study of Possibility of Overlapping Essential Jurisdiction of Family Court with other Authorities

Document Type : Original Article



In some claims, the essential jurisdiction of family court overlaps other authorities including judging and non-judgingones. In some cases, jurisdiction of family court could be associated with other authorities and it seems to be feasible to review the case in both authorities simultaneously (potential and de facto union), in some cases both authorities are qualified to review the care and such interferometry could be combined, however, should the case discussed in one court, it cannot be raised simultaneously in another one (potential combination of jurisdictionand non-aggregation de facto); in some other cases of interferometry, aggregation of jurisdictions seems not to be feasible and the law should determine the competent authority; and the overlapping occurs due to expediency of the cases to be discussed in both authorities and priority of one to the other shall be determined by an authentic authority. The authorities whose essential jurisdiction may overlap family court consist of legal public court, criminal public court, dispute settlement boards and deeds registration departments. Someinterferometry and parallel works could be observed in compromising and settlementbetween the aforesaid qualified authorities.


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