A comparative study of Iddah in Iran and other countries

Document Type : Original Article


Shahid Beheshti University


Iddah is a jurisprudential and legal issue behind which there is specific goal. During Iddah, divorce Iddah or death Iddah, women are not allowed to remarry. In all Islamic denominations, Iddah is an undeniable principle though there are minor disagreements with respect to the related verdicts. After doing a comparative study of the laws of Iddah in Iran and some other Islamic and non-Islamic countries, the paper tries to answer the question whether there is Iddah in the laws of European and American countries. The answer is no, but to prevent problems of genealogical mixture in these countries, provisions such as lengthening the hearing sessions, the prohibition of body contact during the procedure of divorcing, and the couples being banned from remarrying as determined in the divorce verdict have been implemented which serve the purpose of Iddah.


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