A legal approach to the provision of alimony for preventing divorce

Document Type : Original Article



Economic problem is an important factor of divorce. Man is responsible for affording life expense and this is expressed through alimony. The condition of the payment of alimony to woman is her compliance to the man. But, what is the range of responsibility? How many of divorces are due to the lack of the payment of alimony? What should be done to stop these kinds of divorces? To answer these questions, this paper refers to the concept of alimony, the needs of modern societies with respect to the instances of alimony, the relationship between alimony and divorce, the factors influential on the non-payment of alimony, the classification of economically unable groups, the possibility providing these groups with insurance help, and a comparative study in relation to Egypt and Tunisia. Finally, the paper proposes a suggestion for the improvement of “law for securing deserted women and children” to reduce the rate of divorces arising out of the non-payment of alimony.


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