Phenomenological Analysis of Identity Building Strategies in Virtual Social Network Actors (Case Study: Instagram users living in Kashan)

Document Type : Original Article


1 kashan Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Kashan University.

2 PhD in Sociology, Tendency to Study Social Issues in Iran. Kashan University.

3 Associate Professor, Department of English Literature and Language, Kashan University.

4 PhD in Sociology, Tendency to Study Social Issues in Iran, Kashan University.



In the contemporary period, an important part of the field of individual interactions and exchanges, as well as the biological experiences of individuals in cyberspace is formed and consolidated. The purpose of this study is to phenomenologically understand the strategies that users use to construct their identity. To achieve this goal, Brown and Clark's phenomenological method has been used. The sample size is based on the theory of theoretical saturation in the qualitative method, 20 female students living in Kashan and the data collection process has been done using a semi-structured interview method. Findings showed that cyberspace users in the first stage of entering the network and in the initial experiences are in two states of "ignorance and ignorance" and "doubt and anxiety" and mostly play the role of passive actor, observer, acceptor and follower; But over time, they find the role of active actor, builder and narrator. On the other hand, the results show that users use both emotional and intellectual strategies in constructing their identity. Based on emotional strategy, they act more freely, freely and fluidly, and reproduce more narratives from different aspects of their life, worldview, and character. Narrate.


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