Explanation of Feminism Exsentialism and Islamic Idea (foundation, principle, and method): presentation Strategy

Document Type : Original Article



Attitude to women what  in the western socities and what the east socities , always exist to severity and weakness. Fminism existentialism as one,s contemporary feministy tendency with plan sex and gender subject in the dominion metaphisic, epistemology, axiology and education (in the defense of rights women and escape them of oppression and gradate socail in fraction(roles) them)  for wealth success in the east and western socities and between women and men. this attitude in addition to extend contet self in the compass said,in the geographic dominion accede to the wealth success and quickly extend in the world. In attention to affect salient feminism existentialism to iran and ineritable effects that in the all affairs especially in the axiology. respect to cognition and critiqe their movment of feminism existatialism in axiology, because is not cognition this principle axiology that will be, cause wealth affect and of cultural approach will exist problems in the islamic socity.


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