Qualitative study of factors contributing to marital dissatisfaction and applying for divorce (the case of Kermanshah)

Document Type : Original Article



One of the basic challenges of family life in the present era is the increase in marital dissolution. In recent years, our country also has experienced an ascending pace of divorce proportion. With regard to the deleterious effects of marriage instability on divorced individuals and their children, the purpose of this study was to investigate the contributing factors to marital dissatisfaction and dissolution. For this purpose, 28 divorce seeking couples who had experienced chronic marital conflicts were selected and interviewed using a semi structures interview format. Data analysis using grounded theory procedures revealed that two major category of factors contribute to marital dissatisfaction. 1) premarital factors including marriage with improper motive(for escaping from social pressures, for escaping from the unpleasant atmosphere of paternal house); and coerced marriages; 2) post- marital factors including Conflict with in-laws, Little presence of husband at home, Gender role conflicts, violence, infidelity, suspicion, and financial problems. Moreover, findings revealed that only four factors lead to applying for divorce; 1) addiction, 2) infidelity, 3) violence, 4) severe conflict with the spouse family (esp. physical struggle). Whole findings indicate that some of the dissatisfaction and divorce factors are context- specific and different from those of western cultures. It requires addressing different theoretical frameworks and interventions by experts of the field, to meet the special needs of couples in this context.


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