Evolution of women's rights and family in international, regional and national Acts

Document Type : Original Article



After the Second World War and the ratification of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , a collection of documents (specific or general) with subject of international human rights observers  on women  had established, including International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against women , Nairobi Programme of Action , the Beijing Declaration and the Millennium Development ... And administrative mechanisms for the attribution of the former Commission on Human Rights ( Human Rights Council ) , Commission on the Status of Women , the Committee on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the creation of other supervisory bodies and even in regional bodies such structures in Europe and the EU Africa is established. All this focus on the issue of women and gender equality is discrimination against them .But thatattention has been focused primarily on individual rights. While These are necessary but not sufficient condition. Therefore be said to support the " Quality " surround and damaged by " quantity " because attention on  " Being a woman " caused that the forgotten " being human ,"  And in most international human rights instruments to real property , natural and God-given differences between women and protect the sacred institution of the family and family functions with other institutions hadn't looked and instead Basically the emphasis is on individual rights .In this paper, Development And progressprotection of the rights of women and families at all levels of national , regional, and international has studied And more critical attitude toward an international approach is taken. Of course due to limitations and avoid a repetition and prolongation, view of domestic law will be mentioned briefly


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