Inferring of the Islamic policy of women''''s employment based on the systematic viewpoint of the Imamiyah jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 public administration, Islamic studies and management. Imam sadiq university, Tehran, Iran

2 Fiqh and Islamic Law Foundations, The Faculty of Islamic Studies, Theology and Guidance, Imam sadiq university, Tehran, Iran.


< p >Women''s employment is a subject to which many jurisprudential studies have been conducted about it. The result of most of these researches is the license of the woman''s employment, observing the conditions and limits. The inferential method of these studies suggests that generally this subject has not been systematically considered. With an emphasis on the direct role that the jurisconsult has in his inference, this paper deals with the systematic view of the category of women''s employment. The main issue of this paper is to deduce the Islamic policy of women''s employment and how it is realized in the Islamic state. In deducing religious rules on women''s employment with a systematic approach, the following results were achieved: women''s employment is permissible, but it can not be transposed to public policies and concluded. Which employment line can be the same as for men and women, but in terms of the provision of maternity and child support for men, if the male and female employment policies are considered to be entirely equal, the lack of justice will be. The Islamic policy of employment, in jobs that do not respect religious preferences of a particular gender, gives priority to men, and To implement and enforce it, the Islamic State must oblige the government and private employers to comply with this line.


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