The Principles of the Moral Moral Obligation of Wife in Relationship with Wife

Document Type : Original Article




< p >One of the rights that couples have with each other is the right to sex. Sexual intercourse is defined by both male and female as regulating this relationship, and it has a special role in preserving the family and preventing the possible deviations of a woman or husband. The present study, using a bibliographic and analytical methodology, using the jurisprudential and principleal inferences, states that, according to the verse, "Asghar Balm''arov" and "Welhan-e-Zazi Aliman Balm''arov", the husband and wife have equal rights. And this is the right of the law, that is, in the face of the responsibility of a woman who obeys a man in sexual matters, a right has been placed on the part of the man towards the woman, and the establishment of such a balance between the sexual relationship and the sexual conduct, , Will lead to adjustment of sexual relations, otherwise marital satisfaction will be compromised, and the reason for this requirement is the emergence of the early interpretation of the right in the traditions as a requirement, the application of the conditional judgments arising from the hypothetical obligation of sex, as well as the guidance of guidance The existence of these types of traditions, which is a documentary, is an obligatory duty of sex between couples. Therefore, the lack of proper sexual conduct on the part of the husband makes the male sexual relationship to the woman not accepted as a proper act, and in such a connection, if a woman does not
