Typology of Power Structure in The Iranian Family

Document Type : Original Article


Shahid Beheshti University


Power at the micro-level is one of the determining factors of interpersonal relationships, conflict conditions as well as problem-solving techniques. As one of the most important social institutions, the family is responsible for socializing and internalizing how to deal with problems and ways of solving problems in forms of agreement, magisterial or intimidation and suppression. One of the most important factors affecting family-level problem solving is family structure changes and power relations. This paper is based on a national survey in the family domain through a quantitative method and a questionnaire among 5004 Iranian people was completed by a two-stage sampling method. We seek to provide a complete description of the power structure in the Iranian Family. According to the findings of this study, the structure of power in the Iranian family has changed in its organizational dimensions compared to the past in such a way that the distribution of power among family members has become more symmetrical and has been reduced to a level of vertical hierarchy. In contrast, the family's willingness and orientation towards civic ways in decision-making and problem-solving have increased among members.


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