Reviving religious models

Document Type : Original Article



A challenging problem in our society is modeling after religious models, which has its own cons and pros. The basic problem here is time differences between religious models and us. This paper claims that the problem can be solved by reviving religious models. In reviving them, both we can follow their life-styles and consider time circumstances. This should be done in two steps: research and report. In the stage of research, we should have two points in mind. First, studying the practices of the Infallibles should be based on their lives not researching in vacuum. Second, it should be topic-based, not based on the individual Infallibles. In the stage of report, we should pay attention to a number of points. First, we should have and explanatory orientation in reporting and avoid mere authoritative moralization. In fact, we should try to clarify the role of each principle in real life. Second, we should have a practical approach, show real examples of the principles in today’s life, and avoid merely proposing the principles. Third, we should follow a systematic approach in presentation in which we should avoid presenting the principles unsystematically and present them according to the needs of daily life.


×   قرآن کریم
×   نهج البلاغه
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