The Principles of Intervention of the Government in the Family Institution in the Iranian Legal System

Document Type : Original Article


1 law grOupT imam sadegh univercity

2 Member of the Board of the University of Tehran. Master of all public rights


There are different approaches to government intervention in the family institution; the first approach is based on the lack of the right to interfere in the family institution, since the family must be outside the state's interference as an institution, while the second approach is to intervene in the government. The institution of the family believes that governments should play an active role in family affairs, because the family institution has a two-sided nature of a private and public dimension; therefore, the state must always pursue policy and regulation. However, the scope of these interventions varies in different legal systems.
Therefore, different approaches to governance, including how governments intervened and the level of support for families, has made the laws of the family very different in different countries. In this paper, the author of this paper is to review the theoretical foundations of government intervention in the family institution in the legal system of Iran in order to determine the utility and legitimacy of government intervention in the institution of family in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
